Since getting back from our vacation in Australia (the reason for no posts in over a month), I've realized how much baby D grew when we were away! She's about three inches taller and we'll find out next week at her 15-month appointment how much she's gained, although she's definitely twenty pounds now, poor tiny thing. The downside of all this is that she's outgrown many of my favourite outfits of hers. Anyway, as I was sorting through the piles upon piles of flyers we received in our absence, I noticed that there were jammies on sale at Walmart for 4.50$ each. That's just a smidge more than you'd pay at a consignment shop! I'm not sure they'll be of any great quality, but they have the great advantage of a zipper, which is always appreciated when you're trying to dress a wriggling toddler fresh from the bath. We are becoming expert baby-wranglers. I bought three pairs of the jammies: pink pigs, blue cows, and yellow ducks. I'm so glad girls can get away with wearing any colour, but I have to prepare for the possibility that, if/when we have another kid, it may come with a Y chromosome.
The other deal was one I came across just yesterday at Rexall: I had taken baby D and her friend baby E (my young babysitting charge) for a walk, since it was supposed to be the least chilly day of the week (at a balmy -12), and we like destinations for our walks. I had to get a couple of things from the drugstore, so we took the scenic route. As we were leaving, I saw a few bins with discounted merch and was stunned to see Baby Mum-mums on sale for 97 cents! These are the very same rice rusks that we stopped buying because, at 2.99$ per box, they were getting too expensive. They were apparently discounted because they expire in March. Pfft. They don't know how quickly babies D and E devour the things. Selfishly, I grabbed all the ones they had (five boxes in total). But check your local Rexall/Pharma Plus for similar bargains.
baby mum mums for 97cents!?? WOW!