Monday, November 7, 2011

Selective illiteracy among canvassers

Dear World Vision,
Kindly instruct your door-to-door salespeople that "no soliciting" does, in fact, apply to them. Also, if they could refrain from making smart-aleck comments such as "wow, you look really happy to see me", that would be greatly appreciated, as sarcasm does not endear them nor their cause to me.
Formerly napping Mom, newborn and toddler.

Yeah. Not one of our best days.


  1. Oh, that is such an irritating thing!!!

  2. We had a wonderful experience with a World Vision representative. He came to our door and my husband wasn't home so I explained to him that I couldn't commit without first talking to him and so I asked him if he could come back a little later. He came back to our home at the specified time and my husband and I are now sponsoring a child from Honduras.

    Sorry you had a bad experience with one of their representatives. Our representative was truly passionate about his child and showed us pictures and letters and is planning on visiting his child this upcoming year.
