Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The various forms of our week

This week, I have several goals, and the main ones involve completing various forms. My first goal was to get D registered for kindergarten, and this was accomplished yesterday, with help from my mom (who looked after the girls so I could go to the school) and Hubby (who I had to text to find out what date we moved into our house). The process took just under an hour, and mostly required me to fill in a bunch of information about D. My favourite one was a list of questions about D's current abilities, interests and personality. Can she stand on one foot? Fasten buttons with or without assistance? How does she react when upset? I answered honestly and conservatively, because the information is meant to let the teacher know as much as possible about each student. I think it would be great fun to read the completed questionnaires before a child starts kindergarten, and then again once he/she has completed grade 12. Maybe I should have asked for a copy?

Next up, D's passport is expiring next month, and I'd like to get it renewed before we need to travel anywhere. We were across the street from a Walmart today at playgroup, so after it ended, we headed over to get passport photos taken. It is incredibly difficult to get a three-year old to maintain a neutral facial expression. More so than a one-year old.

Finally, we mustn't forget M! I've been meaning to get her Australian citizenship by descent organized ever since she was born, and a recent conversation with her Nana and Poppa has given me the push I needed to get going. It seems we will be travelling to see them in 2013, hurray!! So I'm going to get a head start on applying for M's citizenship and passport. We also got her passport photo done today: no word of a lie, I sat her up on the stool, the photographer took one shot, and that was it. This is the third time I've had a baby passport photo done, and it's never gone that quickly before. Isn't it just amazing that babies need passports? I remember travelling to Peru with my dad when I was 15, and I went under his passport. That was two years before 9/11, though.

So, as much as I would like to just stay inside during this freezing cold week, I've been out and about getting things done. On the home front, I've mostly been knitting, and the house is starting to look like it! There is general untidiness and lots of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. Time to take advantage of the girls' quiet time, I guess...

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