Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Our quickest lunches

When you have smallish children, you tend to go out in the mornings, to play group, to the library, to friends' houses, to the park. And the transition home is often terrible; having played all morning, little ones need food and rest, in that order, and quickly. Here are some of our solutions for healthy, quick lunches:

1. Leftovers from dinner that reheat well: lasagna, soup, macaroni and cheese, chicken pot pie, shepherd's pie, quiche, etc.

2. Dippy eggs and soldiers: soft boiled eggs only take 5 minutes, and you can make and cut the toast while you wait.

3. PB&J: it's a classic for many reasons

4. Breakfast burritos: scrambled eggs, a bit of grated cheese, some baby spinach or chopped up cucumber, and salsa for those who like the heat.

5. Guacamole and naan/flatbread broiled with cheese

6. Bits and bobs: crackers with cheese or peanut butter, sliced pickles, celery with PB and raisins, any number of side dishes that wouldn't quite be enough on their own.

Add cut veggies and hummus to any of the above to make it a more balanced meal. And for dessert, we almost always turn to applesauce or yogurt, usually with some frozen berries mixed in.

M makes a good cup of tea

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