Thursday, June 10, 2010

A few errands

My lovely and wonderful sister offered to look after baby D this afternoon so I could run some errands without her, and I had to take her up on it! I'm glad that D still fits into her portable carseat, but I had a bit of heavy lifting to do anyway. Literally about two years ago, my dad and I were cleaning out my grandparents' storage locker (at their request- we weren't thieving), and came across an old sewing machine in a carrying case. My dad said I could keep it, and it's moved houses with us, remaining unopened until this week. I've been noticing a lot of easy-looking sewing projects on various blogs, and while I prefer to hand-sew, I'd like to re-learn how to machine sew since it looks more polished. So today I took the thing to a sewing machine hospital (no joke) to find out what it needs and how much that would cost.

The guy helping me was not particularly kind or welcoming; he opened up the case, fiddled around a bit with the machine, and told me it just needed a tune-up and some oil. Which would run me about 99.99$. I thanked him for his time and left promptly. I'll have a look around to see if I can find cheaper service elsewhere. I wouldn't have minded giving him the business had he been more courteous or even vaguely interested.

I also stopped by Value Village, where they've reorganized the layout again, but this time it looks much more put-together. In the housewares section (which I used to avoid, but now make of point of visiting first), I found a couple of little ice cube trays with lids which will be perfect for freezing baby D's food! I didn't really want to repurpose our sole ice cube tray for her biz, so I was delighted to pay only 1.99$ apiece.

After my errands, I picked up D and headed home, arriving just minutes before Hubby did. We had a lovely (albeit brief) evening cooking dinner together before heading out to our evening events: Bible study with the guys for him, and watching my best friend's soccer game for me and D. Tomorrow night will be a family night, because we've been missing each other far too often this week.
Tonight's baby pic is brought to you by the number 8, which is the number of months baby D is now! And her favourite activity of all is getting up to various shenanigans by crawling.

1 comment:

  1. She's crawling?! I miss your little family. Give the squishy baby a squeeze for me!
    Love JOY
